Explore our FAQs to find answers to your questions and gain deeper insights into our meticulous process and products.


You can order easily through our website. Go to Custom to customize your own bag. Or go to Sold Items to browse previously created specifications, which you can order as well.

Please contact our customer service team at [email protected] if you have any additional questions.

Yes we can recreate any authentic Hermès piece. Please send us detailed photos of your bag and we encourage you to be as specific as you can in your order to ensure we perfectly recreate the bag you desire. 

We have artisans in our workshop who have many years of experience
making Hermes bags – similar to the very artisans who work on authentic
Hermes bags. Our artisans were trained by ex-Hermes employees and have
learned all of the details of making a Hermes bag down to the very fine
Most replica manufacturers make Hermès replicas which are not on par with the quality of original Hermès. It is a shame. Our workshop does not seek to make a mockery of Hermès. In fact most of our clients own authentic Hermes bags and have decided to purchase replicas to add to their collection (in order to preserve their authentic bags) or simply save thousands of dollars. We respect our clients and our clients respect our work. The prices reflect the labor required to hand stitch the bag, and we also seek to pay our artisans a fair wage for their beautiful work. We pay our employees fair wages and want to produce our items as ethically as possible.

Yes. Some of our clients was to order a Hermès inspired bag without any branding (e.g. engraving or stamping). Simply inform our staff during the order process via email that you desire to have a bag made this way. 

If you would like the hardware of your bag to be stamped with a particular Hermès engraving, please let us know after you submit your order and we will determine how we can accommodate your desire.

Although it usually takes 15-20 days to make a bag, it can take up to a month for a bag to be sewn and made. We do not want our artisans to rush the process since we want to only produce high quality bags that could be sold at the original Hermès boutique. If the model is using an exotic leather it may take longer depending on the labor required to complete the bag.

This will depend on the model and size of the bag. Our Kelly bags begin at $1450 USD, while our Birkin bags begin at $1550 USD. Please see the price list below. If an item you would like is not on the price list please contact our sales team by email at [email protected] and we can provide you a quote.

No. Our prices already present phenomenal discounts compared to the authentic Hermès products (90%+ savings).

Our products come with a quality guarantee. If there are any quality deficiencies we will replace, or repair the bag. Since most of our clients own authentic Hermès products we have set a high bar for our factory to adhere to. 

All of our items come with a lifetime warranty. If you face any issues with your bag (hardware, leather, workmanship etc.) we will remedy the issue through our warranty program. Simply contact our customer service and we will act to repair your bag as needed.

Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions regarding placing a new order or any questions regarding an existing order.


We would be thrilled to accept Paypal for our products but Paypal does not cooperate with replica manufacturers therefore we must only accept alternate payment methods that permit for the continuation of our operation.

We accept wire transfer, and cryptocurrency payments. Since we are a replica operation we are restricted in the types of payments we can accept (unlike authentic boutiques).

We understand that buying replica products is not easy and that sending money overseas is not easy. If you are a first time client we can accept a 50% deposit upon order and the remaining 50% of the bag price can be paid upon completion in order to reassure you. You can also refer to reviews from other clients who have placed orders with us.


Before shipping out the bag we will send you photographs of your finished bag.

We will ship out the bag via DHL (express 3-5 day shipping). You will receive a track number you can use to track the bag. If you receive a tracking number but cannot enter it on the DHL site it may be because our 3rd party shipping service has yet to enter it into their system.

Please contact our customer service team at [email protected] for more details regarding your shipment.

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